I have never made any quilted wall hanging before, only did some bags and clothes, because I felt like it was not attracted to me. Then I saw my sensei's wall hanging, it blew my mind. All the pattern designed and the colors she chose are just perfect. From that time on, I wish to make a beautiful one in some day.
My first wall hanging is a part of JHIA homework. We have to make a tapestry by using lily pattern as a main block. Others ( border, size, decoration) are free style. With a limited time, I came up with this.
The sensei gave me some comments on my works.
First, I should stitch more on the edge of each lily petal. As you can see here that I did nothing on them, so they are kind of bloated.
Second, the quilt thread color should be the same as background or darker, but mine is a bit lighter. She said that this style was once popular in Japan, but now it's outdated.
Last, the binding should be smaller and tighter to make the finished quilt more elegant.
I was glad that the teacher gave me many good advices. I'll make a better one next time.